(originally published in Short Fast and Deadly)
She was sitting in a chaise lounge in the back yard, a dead ringer for Jackie Kennedy, in a black & white dress, and sunglasses with thick white rims. She was firing rounds from her machine gun at police range targets. Nearby, a tuxedoed figure was mowing the lawn, “Vroom!” As the lawnmower sprayed cut grass all over the black tuxedo, the figure stared hypnotically at the lawn.
(originally published in Short Fast and Deadly)
We hung the drapery with care. We draped the fabric over the model’s figure, her cold professional flesh quickly calibrating to the correct angular proportions before she walked along the runway, displaying our fabrics. Next, we were in the van, ready to display household drapery options to suburban citizens looking to remodel their curtains. I suddenly screamed.